mercoledì 22 agosto 2018

Jessica's holiday tour in Uzbekistan August 2018




 Friends of us made the same trip a year or two earlier..

 Samarcanda by night from Jessica..

 By day...

 The tour through Uzbekistan by train, car and aeroplane..have a look at the programme!!! I followed her with Google and Jessica sent some photos!!

My lady Friend Antonietta who made a tour with the Trans-Siberia express !

 8 days from Vladivostok- she went there by aeroplane Moscow! More than 9.000kms!!

 Antonietta the first day of her tour..

 A stop visiting a town..Irkutsk

 A trip like this is an experience which enriches you!!
 The border monument between Asia and Europe in Ekaterina..

 She made various stops...

Going back to Italy!!
I'm sorry about the Italian Google texts, but you can look them up in your language!!